Coating Division

PIPE Coating

The coating division is responsible for inspections pertaining to the following:

External coating and internal linings applied to tanks, vessels, valves, flanges & fittings, line pipe and bends.
Bare fitting, flange and stockpipe material verification inspections at various supply companies around Canada.
Inspection of premium threading connections.
Inspection of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG).
Material traceability and tracking including material test report review & double jointing tracking.
Casing, Wire Wrapped pipe & Slotted pipe inspection.
Loading inspection of coated material.
Coating facility audits.
We inspect all coating types, including, Liquid Epoxies, Plant/shop applied Fusion Bonded Epoxies, Electroless Nickel Plating (ENC), Galvanizing, Flame Sprayed coatings (metalizing), Rubber Linings, Urethane, Polyurethane, Organic/Inorganic Zinc coatings, Flouropolymer coatings, Phenolic coatings, etc…

Other jobs as required by the customer – just call and ask 


The need for services such as ours has been determined by costly failures in the field or by construction or drilling in critical environmentally sensitive areas.

  • Environmental dangers caused by corrosion failures are a major concern to all of our clients.
  • In our 32+ years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry, we believe poor workmanship, inadequate specifications, inexperienced coating personnel and lack of inspection are the largest contributing factors to corrosion failures.
  • Coating issues caused by poor quality can take years to appear. It then becomes difficult to recover losses due to premature failures.
  • Many of our clients have established inspection programs to eliminate costly failures and to maximize product quality increasing the life of the product.

Many of our clients have now established inspection programs to eliminate costly failures and to maximize product quality increasing the life of the product.



We will exceed your expectations by providing effective quality management, comprehensive reporting, and the industry standard level that your business needs!

We are more than happy to provide an estimate on any of our services.

Improving the quality and safety of products and processes, we reduce the cost and liability for your company.