
Pro Inspection Ltd is a family based business that grew into a corporation. The reasons for the founding of Pro Inspection Ltd. are evident just by looking at a map. The pipelines that cross the borders of Canada and the United States of America are transporting vital resources. The protection of these environments created the necessity of getting pipe and coatings inspected thoroughly.

The inspection industry, is inspired by environmentally sensitive minds. The team at Pro Inspection Ltd. work with some of the biggest oil and gas corporations in the world. Many of these companies are crucial to Canada & America’s economies.

At Pro Inspection Ltd., we hire certified employees and nurture them. We add training, safety awareness and equipment that is always calibrated. Many of our employees have been with us for decades. That loyalty and trust is a two way street. Our reputation is built upon the quality of our pipe and coating inspectors. Currently all positions at Pro Inspection are filled, but we thank you for your interest!

No positions available at this time.